In the month of March, we will focus our prayers on Nassau and Baker County.
Pray for our FCA Champions: those that give of their time, talents, and treasures to advance the Kingdom through FCA. YES! Pray for yourself because as a part of this team you are a FCA Champion!
Pray for camp attendance from Nassau Baker County this summer at our Leadership Camp, Charge Camp, Team Camps, Sports Camps, and Coach’s Family Camp.
1. Pray for God to allow Saleg Curcuy to meet the individuals who he would have on the team. Pray for those men and women to hear God’s call and be obedient to His call on their lives to join the ministry of FCA.
2. Pray for Saleg and their work with the First National Soccer Championship in LaPaz on September 14-17th. Seleg asks us to pray for their continued involvement with the event and the witness they will be to the coaches and athletes.
3. Pray for those men and women in Bolivia who will be board members. Pray for them to have open hearts and minds and to be receptive to God’s invitation to serve Him as a board member.
4. Pray for Saleg as they began to identify funding partners. Pray for them to be bold and to remember who their Great Provider is.
5. Pray for those here in NE FL as they consider supporting the ministry in Bolivia. Pray for generous hearts to help stand in the gap for our Bolivian team.
Also, you can keep up with what God is doing in Bolivia by following our Bolivian Facebook page by searching FCA Bolivia Oficial.
WEEK 2 [September 11-17]:
· Pray for God to make clear His plan for NE Florida FCA to Engage, Equip and Empower FCA staff, coaches, athletes and volunteers in Bolivia.
· Pray for our FCA staff in Bolivia: Saleg Curcuy. Pray for his family and ministry in Bolivia.
· Join us in praying for more laborers in Bolivia. Pray for God to raise up men and women to partner with FCA as we seek to, “Lead every Coach & Athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.”
· Pray for our current church partner, Ekklesia. []
· Pray for God to add more churches to the team and to give them the boldness to reach beyond their walls, into the playing fields as we strive to introduce people to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
· If you’ve been around FCA for any amount of time, you know that we are a faith funded ministry. Pray for people here in Northeast Florida to be burdened for the work taking place in Bolivia and desire to be generous with their resources to see the Gospel advance.
Also, you can keep up with what God is doing in Bolivia by following our Bolivian Facebook page by searching FCA Bolivia Oficial (yes, one f).
If you desire to financially support FCA’s efforts in Bolivia prayerfully consider a gift of support in one of two ways:
1. Donate directly to NE Florida FCA’s Bolivia Ministry account here:
2. Purchase an FCA #PRAYFORBOLIVIA T-shirt here:
Pray for God to make clear His plan for NE Florida FCA to Engage, Equip and Empower FCA staff, coaches, athletes and volunteers in Bolivia.
Pray for our FCA staff in Bolivia: Saleg Curcuyv. Pray for their families and ministry in Bolivia.
Join us in praying for more laborers in Bolivia. Pray for God to raise up men and women to partner with FCA as we seek to, “Lead every Coach & Athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.”
Pray for our current church partner, Ekklesia
Pray for God to add more churches to the team and to give them the boldness to reach beyond their walls, into the playing fields as we strive to introduce people to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
If you’ve been around FCA for any amount of time, you know that we are a faith funded ministry. Pray for people here in Northeast Florida to be burdened for the work taking place in Bolivia and desire to be generous with their resources to see the Gospel advance.
Also, you can keep up with what God is doing in Bolivia by following our Bolivian Facebook page by searching FCA Bolivia Oficial (yes, only one f).
If you desire to financially support FCA’s efforts in Bolivia prayerfully consider a gift of support in one of two ways:
1. Donate directly to NE Florida FCA’s Bolivia Ministry account here:
2. Purchase an FCA #PRAYFORBOLIVIA T-shirt here: