A Note From NE Florida Multi-Area Director

NE Florida FCA • September 9, 2020

Wow.  What a year 2020 has been!  Six months ago, none of us would have predicted our nation and world would look the way it does right now.  Yet, in spite of our current circumstances I am thankful Jesus continues to reign and meet our world in a desperate time of need.  Whether it’s COVID-19, racial tensions, loss of jobs, certain aspects of life put on hold, the Lord still reigns as King and is calling us to Himself in a way unlike most of us would be able to recall in our lifetimes.

I remember PGA Tour professionals mentioning “COVID-19” at the FCA PLAYERS Breakfast with the Pros this past March in a very vague, what could this become? kind of way.  It was only two days later that their tournament would be canceled, and the PGA Tour season suspended shortly after the NBA announced they would be doing the same.

Never in our lifetime have we experienced a pandemic that has literally stopped and rocked the world.  With such rapid change taking place (social distancing, masks, new rules and regulations) it has left many with much fear, confusion, and questions.  Where do we go from here?  How long will this last?  Can we just get back to the way things were?

There are few things that captivate the hearts and attention of people across our nation and world like sports does.  However, for nearly six months, sports have been on hold.   Although some sports have restarted with modifications, many seasons have been cancelled again or continue to be put on hold.  This has not only left coaches and athletes with more time on their hands than ever before, but it is also challenging coaches’ and athletes’ personal identities.  Not only has their daily and weekly rhythm of life been disrupted without practice, travel and competition; but without fans, the love, praise, and acceptance typically received from their abilities and talents is now missing also.

Some may wonder, “Is God causing COVID-19, racial tension and global unrest?”  Simply stated, no.  The Bible teaches us that God is “the giver of good and perfect gifts” (James 1:17).  We see the good world God created in Genesis change for the worse when sin entered through Adam and Eve’s disobedience.  Sin’s entrance brought the guarantee of deterioration and death—and with it—sickness, disease, pain, corruption, and many other things we would be happy to live without.  Romans 8:21 explains that creation is currently "in bondage to decay."  Christ brings great perspective to us all when He explains to his disciples that in this world, we will have tribulation (John 16).  It’s only in Him, that we can find peace and take courage.  Why?  Because Jesus explains, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (v. 33).

God is still sovereign and certainly capable of taking an extremely uncomfortable and unprecedented situation in our world to draw His people deeper and closer to Him.  He has in the past, and He certainly can again.  In the world of sports, what if the lack of bells and whistles (fans, popularity, hype, etc.) caused the sports world to simply ask itself:  Why are we here?  Does winning a championship really matter in the grand scheme of life?  Does getting that Division 1 scholarship truly define me?

When what we love most gets taken away from us, the raw, real and true emotions come out.  We learn more about ourselves in these moments than almost anywhere else.  This is where life truly begins.  

“I have come that they may have life. And have it abundantly” -Jesus (John 10:10).

The NE Florida FCA team and I have had countless conversations over the past six months where we have been asked, “How is FCA doing during COVID-19?” What if this uncomfortable, challenging, and difficult time in our history is opening new doors for us to step up and into the challenge of making disciples?  Much of the world has changed.  FCA’s Mission of disciple making has not.  

Team FCA still wakes up each and every day with a passion to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church!  Even if athletes and coaches cannot play and coach right now, they can be served, loved, supported and reminded that they have a divine purpose beyond their sport, that sport need not define them, that hope is far greater than a scholarship, win or championship. That real hope is actually a person, and His name is Jesus.

On behalf of NE Florida FCA, we want to thank you for your continued support through your time, talents, treasures and prayers.  Be encouraged by what God continues to do through your support and know that we continue to pray for you and thank God for you!

In His Grip,

Matthew Roop, PGA

NE Florida FCA

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