Connecting Campus To The Body of Christ

In order for NE Florida FCA to fulfill our mission of leading coaches and athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church, we must be working diligently to connect campuses to the Body of Christ.

Grab Your Cleats is all about partnership with the local church in order to invest in istudents' lives within our community.  Ministry on campus is a unique experience and requires a great deal of attention for a healthy program to grow and have a lasting impact.  NE Florida FCA aims to provide churches and its lay ministers access to campuses in order to reach coaches, athletes and students where they are.

NE Florida FCA's desire is to find churches that will commit to the process and take ownership of the Grab Your Cleats campus program.  We trust that in partnering with FCA, the students that do not currently attend church will eventually have that opportunity as a result of the relationships that are built through the local church's investment.

More details about Grab Your Cleats coming soon.
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