Meet Fernandina Beach senior baseball player, Andrew Ayers. A four-year veteran of Fernandina Beach High School Baseball Team and attendee of the FCA team study with the baseball team.
Ayers was nominated by his coach, Jon Shave, to attend FCA's Capatain's Camp this past summer. This particular camp is designed to push athletes to their limits, recognizing that everyone has a breaking point where they must humble themselves and rely upon their teammates. Andrew was deeply challenged in his walk with Christ during this camp as a result of the chapel services, group huddle times, and competition.
"Captain's Camp taught me a lot about leading. A big thing was the importance of working together with teammates strengths and weaknesses. Camp really helped me with being a leader by teaching me to lead through all that God has done for us. The teachings at camp were based on 4 B's: Go Big, Go Build, Go Bold, and Go Beyond. It was the Go Bold message that helped me the most, because the speaker talked about praying for boldness. Hearing what Jesus did for us and learning to lead in a similar way was a big takeaway," said Ayers.
Even though Andrew always knew a lot about God and believed he was close to God, his life eternally changed at camp. "I never fully placed my faith in Him. On the final night of camp, I talked with my group leader about what it meant to be a Christian and commit my life to Christ. It was during that conversation that I knew it was time to make a commitment."
Since coming back from camp, Ayers has been meeting regularly with Baker & Nassau County FCA Area Director, Andrew Baker, to be discipled. Ayers has even begun going through scripture with some of his teammates on a nightly basis through a group chat app. While there is a lot more to Andrew Ayers faith journey, it is exciting to see how God is already changing and shaping him into the person God created him to be.
When asked why he thought it was important for student athletes to go to FCA Camp, Ayers shared, "Going to an FCA camp is a great experience you should take advantage of. You may be unsure of what camp will be like, but it is a safe, fun, and exciting environment to be a part of and learn in. If your faith is already strong, these camps are still great because you can always keep growing. I met some great people at this camp. The guys in my group turned into a family quickly, and even the people outside my group were amazing and all in for the same thing: to compete AS ONE FOR ONE."