Watch Ministry Isn't Canceled
(fast forward to 16:15 for program start)
Each week NE Florida FCA has led a group of athletes, coaches, volunteers and supporters through a YouVersion bible reading plan to help encourage and challenge them to seek God each day, especially during these unprecedented times. Devotional plans have helped combat different emotions, fears, or challenges with the truth of God's Word. Over the course of the past 8 weeks, we have had 130 participants, reading 545 verses of scripture!
Want to join us? Check out what we're reading this week by visiting our #FCAvirtual page at the link below.
In this season without sports, FCA brought sports ministry into the homes of athletes, coaches, students, volunteers and supporters through global online events hosted on Wednesday and Friday afternoons each week.
Professional athletes and coaches at the highest level came together to help encourage athletes and coaches across the world during a difficult time of cancelled tournaments, ended seasons and the loss of camaraderie with their teams.
Through this shared time of fellowship and testimony, we saw God move in the hearts of many, and as a result 450 faith decisions were made--361 being made here in the state of Florida!
God is moving through FCA coaches ministry in fresh ways during the pandemic., Going virtual has enabled coaches to connect with FCA and one another regardless of their physical location. Many coaches and athletic directors have turned to personal and professional development opportunities during this time. As a result FCA is reaching more coaches and athletic directors across NE Florida than ever before in the following ways:
3D Coaching | A framework helping coaches learn how to lead and teach their athletes at a mind and heart level that moves beyond basic x's and o's of their particular sport. It is exciting to see two 3D Coaching Huddles that will be launching into sport specific Coaches Huddles upon completion of the 3D Coaching curriculum.
Coaches Huddles | Hosted weekly at several different times, coaches from all over NE Florida are able to connect on a spiritual level, growing together in God's Word, and share how God is moving in and through their teams. Over the past 8 weeks, there have been 30 huddle meetings that have taken place with a total of 70 participants.
Virtual Coaches Camp | May 27- 29, 1000+ coaches throughout the SE US (many with their spouses) will be tuning in for a time of encouragement, spiritual growth and learning before heading back to their teams in the fall.
Although our athletes and students are experiencing a time of discouragement and adjustment, we are seeing them step up as leaders and start their own virtual huddles for their campus. Many are seeing this as an opportunity to encourage their peers during a time when everyone is responding to the pandemic in different ways.
As students are wrapping up their Spring semester, we are seeing more and more wanting to use this Summer as a way to learn and grow spiritually as leaders for when the time does come for them to get back to campus, they are well prepared to lead their huddles in new, dynamic ways.