Olivia moved from Maryland to Florida in order to play lacrosse at Jacksonville University. By her junior year, the Lord was clearly calling her to step away from playing. Through transitioning out of playing, Olivia came to realize how much the Lord could be a part of sports. "For so long I played to prove my worth to other people and myself. It was through losing my identity as an athlete that I found my identity as a daughter of the most high king!" Olivia said.

The Lord lead Olivia to FCA as a participant during her time of transition out of playing lacrosse. It was in this season that Olivia fully surrendered her life to Christ. That following summer, she was offered the opportunity to attend FCA Camp as a Huddle Leader. Her discipleship journey continued with an internship opportunity revealing a call to ministry, culminating in joining the Northeast Florida FCA staff team in 2023.

"Our calling to ministry is just the launching point for us to be a part of the rescue mission that Jesus first started when he came down to rescue us from our sins and take our place on the cross!" Olivia said.

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